Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, elimination of toxins in the body and in the liver. Also kidneys are important.

The kidneys are the filter of our body

  • Filtering the waste products out of the blood through urine
  • Regulation of blood and tissues’ pH
  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Support at physiological well-being of bones
  • Regulation of body’s sweating
  • Production of red blood cells

The kidneys are the filters of our blood

If Kidneys do not work well, it can accumulate mineral salts’ aggregations, composed by combination of substances (like Calcium, Oxalate, Fosfate and Uric Acid). At the beginning, these aggregations are like grit but they can become like stones. They could be in whole urinary tract and cause pain during urination. It is important for everybody to use behaviour that supports well-being of kidneys and urinary tract.

Some risk factors could become important, compromising the kidneys’ functionality:

  • Be familiar or have problems with urinary tract.
  • Low hydration
  • Diet rich in salt

Some daily acts can help the well-being of our kidneys:

  • Drink low sodium and calcium water (2 litres daily)
  • Use lemon juice as dressing
  • Avoid coffee and juices
  • Limit the meat’s consumption
  • Reduce the use of salt and of salt-containing foods (cold cuts, cheese, jars…)
  • Prefer high-fiber cereals

The Naturando’s scientific research studied which plants are involved for the well-being of this system and developing targeted products for everybody’s health.

How Nature Can Help

The nature helps us with some plants that contribute to the maintenance of correct functionality of urinary tract, through a depurative action.

The Rustyback Fern has that name because of its collocation among cliffs’ stones that slowly breaks and also the Cough Grass. They both help the functionality of urinary tract and a diuretic functionality. Phyllanthus is famous for its properties on urinary tracts functionality. The chemists appreciate Citrates because they are able to complex the metals (for example the Calcium).