The 29th of September is World Heart Day. It is helpful to raise awareness of a problem that unfortunately still causes too many victims. Medicine has made tremendous progress in managing these diseases and improving the health of the heart. Scientific signs of progress are not enough if a change in habits does not accompany them.

Cardiovascular diseases: enemy of the heart

Cardiovascular diseases are pathologies that affect the heart or blood vessels, and the most frequent are heart attack and heart failure. The causes are multiple, some non-changeable, such as age and familiarity.

  • The most impacting changeable factor is incorrect alimentation.
  • An excessive daily take induces overweight, obesity, and diabetes mellitus, situations that significantly increase the risk of coronary diseases. In addition, an unbalanced diet leads to the development of dyslipidemia, high levels of cholesterol and lipids in the blood, which cause atherosclerosis, a condition that reduces blood flow.
  • At the same time, a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of being overweight.
  • Hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg) is also one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors, widespread among adults.
  • Smoking promotes platelet aggregation and the onset of hypertension.

Rules for a healthy heart 

Prevention is the most potent weapon to combat cardiovascular diseases, as it prevents their onset. The main determinants of cardiovascular diseases are linked to inadequate lifestyles.

  1. Food: Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Prefer whole grains over refined cereals. Increase the intake of fish to be privileged compared to meat. Limit the intake of salt in the diet.
  2. Move: 30 minutes per day is sufficient; park the car away or use it less.
  3. Quit smoking: it is the best choice for our body.

Listen to your heart.

It is essential to monitor specific parameters, tellers from the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system, such as pressure, cholesterol, both bad (LDL) and good (HDL), lipids and blood sugar. You can ask your doctor to checkup, or you can check these parameters in the pharmacy with your pharmacist.

Do you need supplements for a healthy heart?   

Food supplements can support well-being, in particular:

  • OMEGA 3 CONTAINING EPA AND DHA: thanks to their ability to support the heart’s health, especially if fish consumption with the diet is limited.
  • CHOLESTEROL CONTROL SUPPLEMENTS: nature provides several natural substances to control cholesterol levels, such as Monacolin K from fermented red rice.
  • PRESSURE SUPPLEMENTS: Olive, Hawthorn and Hibiscus, help regularize blood pressure.
  • SUPPLEMENTS FOR NORMAL GLUCOSE LEVELS: Given the cardiovascular system’s well-being, it is helpful to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Remember that we are responsible for our well-being and sometimes ask ourselves: what do I do for the health of my heart?

Curated by Dr Laura Rubini


[1] Data from the fifth edition of European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics